Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @ 9:50 PM
Loads of stuff has happening, my com crashed, it got fixed, the broadband has issues, they were straightened out... and we got our OLVL RESULTS BACK. And I am happy =) Although now i wished i took hcl, simply because i can minus 4 and get a cut off point of 4. Yeah most ppl will probably want to stone me after reading this. Yeah. But i did work hard for this exam. And when am I going to get my cert? Cos apparently that small slip of paper does not count. Better go back to researching JCs now. Couldn't they put things in simpler terms? Also, the new subjects just cause my brain to scream OMGYOU'VEGOTTOBEKIDDINGIHAVETOSTUDYTHISFOR2YEARSOVER GAH. I have not much fondness for AHS, but at least its familiar. JC seems...scary. And not in a motivateyoutoconqueryourfear kinda way. Gah again. |
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Saturday, December 12, 2009 @ 12:15 PM
My com can work la. Just need to do freaking DIY to reinstall all the hard drives BECAUSE THE DISCS WERE MISSING. This is the absolute bloody last time I'm letting my bro use my com to play his stupid games. See la, now crash already. Typing this post from Bukit Timah again. Sian. And I lost all my documents and fanart and favourites and all that.
This post is already quite censored, if i typed this yesterday the post would have gone like this : fuckfuckfuckfgheraioyh09yhuscrewyouassholebloodyidiotfghioahr9 ^(W$&*()$*%()$*@ Not very coherent right? Temper how I love thee. Lets just say the instructions the technician gave better work man, how we'll be having roast pork for dinner. Think ba gua, but larger. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 8:55 PM
My computer is spoilt. T.T The one at my grandparent's house is anyway. I'm typing the post from the com at bukit timah. SIANHAIZZZZWHATAMIGOINGTODONOW?
Thank goodness there is the warranty. No wonder my uncle always says that Dell gives you hell. And I had another family outing on Fri. We took public transport. Can you imagine travelling with 2 elderly folks, 1 that has not stepped out of the house since... months ago, 2 teenagers who are able to count the number of times they have taken public transport on their toes and fingers, and 1 aunt that can navigate through shopping malls like a veteran and yet cannot understand bus lines. I didn't need to imagine. Thank goodness the trip was short. Like 4 bus-stops short. Then we went to some chinese restaurant to eat. The food there was ... meh. Average ba. I would have preferred to eat at the food court though. Cheaper some more. Oh well, my aunt just struck lottery (the small prize one), so in a way she got cash to spend ba. After that we went shoe shopping. Grandma bought a pair of shoes for walking, so hopefully it means she is going to go out more. She goes out more = she becomes happier = i live happier cos she won't take out all her pent-up fustration on me and Grandpa. Grandpa has it worst of all of us though. Always getting caught between Grandma and me. Good news! : I bought my shoes! They're actually wedges, cos I can't balance on heels at all. Wedges are much safer for everyone. Not too sure whether they match the dress though, but i shall trust my aunt's judgement. And I came back. To realise my com was spoilt. Cos the screen refused to load. It was black and you can see the mouse and move it, but thats all. Restarting doesn't work. GAHFSEGHIO HEWOA$ITHQE Getting the person to come and fix on Mon. haizzzz I think technology hates me or something. T.T |
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Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 1:20 PM
Yes blogskin change is a success! XDDD
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@ 11:35 AM
Okay, i know i haven't updated in MONTHS, and most likely no one is reading it now, but i'm still gonna update cos now its the HOLIDAYS and i'm cashless and jobless and i need a better alternative to hanging out at shopping malls cos i'll end up spending more money than i actually have. Yeah.
After buying a 60 bucks dress for Prom, i think its relatively safe to say i'm broke. And i still need shoes. Darn. And i went for a 3D2N cruise recently, and I swear our entire family has put on at least 2 kg. I ate at least 3 servings for EVERY SINGLE MEAL. Excluding dessert anyways. Besides, the food was probably the only good thing on that ship. The rest was hell man. Smoker's heaven = our hell. In order to save money, my mother booked the smallest sized cabin. Which is like half of jac's room. Or half of my room actually. To house four people! I had to do gymnastics to get on my bed, which was the tp bunk, and i had to be careful when sitting up cos if not... head, meet ceiling. The ladder they gave me was quite unsafe la, seeing that the rails that it was hooked to could MOVE. So yeah. To go to the toilet in the middle of the night includes jumping down to the 'window sil', then jumping down again on the side table, then take a running start to jump over my father's bed. Which equals to.... CRASH!!!! PIANNG!!! Me : Walao... KNS. Missed again *holding aching foot* Dad: WTH can you just ask nicely like a normal person instead of jumping crazily? *grumpy* Yep. And then I had to do the reverse to get back up. At least I didn't feel as bad as my bro. He got motion sickness. And damn suay our cabin just happens to be one floor below the casino, and cos the air inside the ship is recycled and all... we get the smoke smell in our cabin also. NOWHERE IS SAFE I TELL YOU. Not even on deck. So instead of enjoying the seabreeze I have to make sure that area is smoker-free and glare at anyone thats holding a cigarette. Which makes me look quite constipated indeed. And my father looked like he was sent to the gallows. Or that all his drama CDs were spoilt. Or his stokes all dropped by 50% when he went on the ship. Going on a holiday with him is like going out with the Grim Reaper la. Until he discovered the casino. Unfortunately, while my father is good at math thus he's good at predicting the odds of him winning, he doesn't know when to quit. Or quit when he is ahead. We could have been 802 bucks richer. Now we are... 2 bucks richer. Damn 心痛。Especially when i think of the bike or laptop that Could Have Been =( At least I learnt how to gamble. Cos they were giving out brochures in the casino, teaching you how to gamble. Dad kindly took some for us seeing that we weren't allowed in. Not only were there brochures, they also have TV channels that teach you how to gamble. Really. Haizzz. Dad keeps on going to the casino, hope that he doesn't become one of those compulsive gamblers. Or he'll end up being bashed like those ppl in this dramas. Bro: Papa, if you gamble anymore I'm telling ahma leh. Dad: Oi oi oi, I'm warning you. Don't tell ahma. Bro: *raises eyebrow and speaks in a holier than thou voice* Are you threatening me? Hahahahahaha XD So proud of him for finally being able to retort my dad. Now he has a chance of surviving the verbal battles in our family. Dad: The moment both of you turn 18, i'm signing the agreement to prevent both of you from gambling. Us: *smile evily* Don't worry, the moment we get off the ship we're signing the agreement to ban you. Dad: Both of you are underage, cannot sign. Us: Tell Ahma lor. Dad: *Grumbles indistinctly while glaring at the steamed fish* After the cruise, I have never appreciated real land like I have now. If you want to increase your chances of getting lung cancer, go for a cruise and get a cabin below the casino. It will be like living in an undustrial park. |
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Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 10:04 PM
You know, everytime I open my a tab, they always have 9 "shortcuts" so to speak, to direct you to your top 9 visited sites. To my horror, the anglican high school ranked 5, where it was usually non-existent. Life. It has a funny way of screwing itself. And others along with it. And now apparently we have to do the work of all 4 lvls for heymath. My bro is kinda gloating over it. He's like " see la, told you to help me do don't want, now in the end still must do..." If he wasn't in Bedok I would have smacked him. Honestly. On the topic of brothers : How do you feel towards younger bros? Or how do you feel being a younger bro? Went to MX's house on tues. Her house is very tastefully decorated. Probably because MX had no part to play in the decorating. Honestly, bamboo outside, nice paintings, a big fish pond, concrete staircases, connected study rooms... Her house is freaking gorgeous. Then we saw how MX interacts with her younger bro. Or shall I say, insult him and order him about. Really. It is actually damn funny. Especially when they chase and push each other around the house. Although if I lived in that house, most likely I will end up in hospital or something. Very easy to trip and fall. Floors have cracks. Can also drop into the pond where there lives a baby shark. So yeah. I think MX's insurance plan covers it. Hopefully. MX : Your bro calls you jie? Me : Yeah. Yours leh? MX : He calls me Mei Xuan. Shuting : And you know what my brother calls me? TAN SHUTING! Hahahahaha (okay it was funnier in real life) Then on thurs (aka today) we went to Janice's house. Which can be another contender for "The MOST luxurious home award." That house is even bigger than MX's one. With 4 dogs. Haizzz. One seems to be gay though. Oh well. One semi-D and one bungalow. Our class is full of freaking rich people. Or is it our school? Making SBQ sucks. I think they made us do it so that we will appreciate the teachers more and not curse and swear at them when they come out with bloody difficult papers, cos its bloody difficult to set the paper too. And there seems to be a problem with Chem Revision wks. The formatting was quite screwed. Couldnt see some of the questions, diagrams ended up at other questions, arrows that point to NOTHING... How to answer la I ask you? Do also do till fed up le. And my bro and cousins are watching transformers tmr. While I'm stuck at home with this pile from hell. Joy to the world. Also got a call from Mrs G cos WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCH ON MON AND TUES. So does that mean we must finish all our homework by then? Cos the deadlines on some of them were WHEN SCH REOPENS. Argh. H1N1 is not improving matters anyhow. Can't the sch just spare us 2 days? Come on. Better go do heymath liao. Sian. |
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Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 10:50 PM
I think I'm seriously gonna gain a lot of weight this holiday, and I can't tell for sure because we have a spoilt weighing machine. Seriously. Everybody loses ( i think) 2 kg on it. Made me so happy when I saw that I weighed 46 kg until my mum told me it was spoilt. No wonder. Didn't see that weight for a looooonnnnnnngg time le.
So far I ate twice at Say Cheeze, once at Jumbo Seafood restaurant and once at SushiTei. Not in one go of course (like duh) My stomach must have expanded. And I still haven't finished my homework and revision. Talk about wasting time man. Ended up watching BOF, Absolute Boyfriend (which had a sucky ending and made me feel so cheated and made me sob great big tears *sniff*) and Atashinchi no Danshi (which is sheer WTF. comedy and family fluff ). Busy right? I know. Jac's bdae is coming soon! Getting her a gift even though she says there is no need for one. This holiday is really monotonous. Monday seems like Tuesday which seems like Wednesday which seems like Thursday which seems like Friday. Yeah. This holiday is so dull there isn't really much to say. Other than 1) It is perfectly fine to throw your wallet down 4 stories, as long as it is in a plastic bag that prevents all your coins (bcos you were to lazy to keep them properly) from falling out and rolling everywhere like 3 year old children (yes, they do roll) 2) Do not overeat at restaurants. Especially Say Cheese. They give you nightmares. My bro dreamt that Bukit Timah hill (where we live) was not a hill but a volcano. An erupting volcano. Hallelujah. |
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