Saturday, September 29, 2007 @ 11:57 AM
I found a new website to download Prince Of Tennis songs!!! You can even request which songs you want! Woots! Now on to sch on fri. The BUS DRIVER overslept, so i had to wait longer(30 mins)for the bus to arrive. Caught a cold. Cold got worst in EL. (went to com lab mah.) Out of all the days~! *shakes fist at heaven* Use to do vocad wks. Stupid lor. Even stupider was that ZhiLin use her own dictionary(book) to search. Isnt the com faster? 0.o Then XinWei kana Mrs Tham scolding. Dunno for what. Most likely went to other website. Then got chi. XW made more of his freaking lame-but-hilarious sentences(zhao ju) All of them concern YS. LOLS. Then got sci. Got 2 new ws/test paper to complete. Gonna die. We still havent finish transport system in MAN yet. Have to revise by myself le. Shit lor. We are very behind. On thursday got S.P.A Went okay for my standards, visking tubing never leak... Then got Maths. Was fine until YANG SHU HAO was caught talking with Ximeng. So teacher made him explain quetion 3biii(?) They didnt go up at first. Then Ms Lee: You see, the class is so quiet waiting for you to explain! Even Eekwee is quiet! Class: *tries to stop chuckling* He really went up to try and explain. TRY. The class didnt make it easy. We kept on going cant see(cos he too fat), cant hear(cos we talk so much) And dun understand. Wei Xiang said this after the first sentence that came out of his mouth. XingKai was like: WeiXiang, dun make it so obvious lar! LOLS. He was practically reading from the board. That was what the class told him. STUPID HIM LOR. This type of quetion also dun noe how to explain... Waste my time, about 15 mins of my life gone... CURSE him. Then got Lit. Mrs Ganeeson was marking our poem while we do Prose. I prefer poems. Less words. I got 18/25 for it, same as Hosy. Our class is good at Lit, i notice. Quite a lot got 18 and above. WE ROCK! Yizhen got highest: 21 TzyHarn, XinWei and Zhilin(dunnoe whether there are more) got 20 Cool right? YS only got 17. He was like: but i got draw the picture leh! Should give me marks bcos of the pic. Hello? This is NOT art class! After sch went to comic shop. First time there, it was great. One whole place full of comics. Woots~! Rented some. $4 gone leh... Then went home. Owari |
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Sunday, September 23, 2007 @ 12:41 PM
Wow, it has been a long time since i updated. Even our class dropped another ceiling tile.
The weeks have been B-U-S-Y. Homework is pilling up. Need to do chi compo. BUT I left both the gao zhi and the compo info in SCHOOL. Now how to do? *sob* Then still need to do Elit, but i dunnoe how to do either. Yesterday was fun (Mid Autumn Festival) My house there got celebration. Cousins came over. WOOTS Taught then how to play TAITEE. Parents accused me of corrupting my younger counsins. No point. They were corrupted before, I merely ADDED on to it. My cousins tried to scare Derricka with my bro spongebob soft toy. Didnt work. Shit. Have to think of sth scarier. We managed to scare her last year with an ultraman mask and STH from the sci centre. See how fast she matures? Gonna be difficult to scare her next year. Have to think of sth.... Then on Fri got the SCHOOL celebration. The OPERA performance was hell. Honestly. It wasnt bad at first but it got worse later on. The PLOT was so LAME. *shakes head* Felt better when left to own devices. Pris didnt come on Fri(whole day) Wonder what happened. Her class got 4 ppl nver come leh. Jac and I had an ENLIGHTENING talk bout the moon. *snickers* I will nver see it the same way again... Then played TAITEE with Hosy, Joan, and Jee Wha. Had to hide cards from various teachers. Mr Lim came leading practically the whole of 2B. Way to treepass. Miss Fadzilla also came with 2 other teachers. Hid cards in time. Pretended nth was wrong. It actually worked. *blinks in surprise* That should be bout what happened. Now i have to think of a way for the teacher to increase the deadline of the compo... Owari |
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Saturday, September 15, 2007 @ 4:36 PM
Turns out my last post was on Sept 8. Thats a long time.
So far, sch has been busy. Now my com works about 55% of the time. Not so bad. Considering it was 30% last time... Need to revise for History. Badly. I cant remember all the dates. Sucks lar. Wonder if I should take History next year if this is the stuff i have to put up with... Went to Pris house on Fri to do hw. More like I do hw Pris play com lor. There were 3 ppl snatching 1 com. =.= So SF is like 007 on XBOX. Only noisier. We took the same bus as WJ. He spoke 1 sentence to us"How come you are taking this bus?"(how honoured) Me and Pris sat at the back...talked about his daoing ways... Miracaliously, he waved to us when we got off. Looks like he could be happy seeing us get off. Now have to revise for End-of-Year. Then why am I still typing?! Owari |
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Saturday, September 8, 2007 @ 12:11 AM
The com at my Gramps house got virus: Trojan Vundo Weird name ah? It causes my internet connection to bcome virtually non-existent. It works fine(as in very SLOW) for the first 5 MINS, then the connection is like, gone. Damn it lor. In the hols too...Oh woe is me! At least sth good came out of it, i manage to watch Ratatoolie(sp?) The show was great, it was hilarious and touching at some parts. Told my cousins(and my bro) that GREEN TEA KILLS SPERMS. Oh imagine their reactions(my bro just drank half of it) I took great(sadistic) pleasure in them. They were like "OMG, thank goodness we nvr drink!" Then to my bro"Now YQ has no sperms!" Lols. Very entertaining. They continued exchanging friendly insults(accusing each other of being ball-less or sperm-less) Now there will be MUCH slower updates on the blog, seeing that the com has got the damn virus. Owari |
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Monday, September 3, 2007 @ 4:34 PM
Sucks lar, dunnoe which God i offended to get so much BAD karma.
What must i do to get rid of it??? My GRANDMOTHER, in a fit of pettiness, used a blue pen to scribble on my wallet. Hello? How old is she? Nearly 70? I dun believe this. Her excuse:Dun like the skull at the front of the wallet Utter crap. So using her "logic", i can punch a random person on the street and use the"i dun like how you look" excuse. I told her that in return, i would be scribbling on the wall. I did just that. But it was gonna be a MURAL, not some random scribble like what she did to my wallet.... Before i could finish it, I got a HARSH scolding. Oh, the inhumanity!!! She gets to get away with what she did, and i dont; the inhumanity of it all! Really, my parents said that i was old enough to give and take. If age is the issue, she is much older than me. She's my GRANMOTHER for Gods sake! She knew perfectly well what she was doing, yet she did it anyway. The nerve. Newsflash: it CANNOT be washed off. Oh joy. Told them cannot wash off they still dun believe me, still hang on to their stupid belief that it can be washed off... Retarded fools. Cannot accept the truth is it? Then they use thinner to try and wash it off. Did more harm than good. The scribbles were gone, so was the white. Had to redraw half of the skull. Hn. Double joy. So we gave each other silent treatment. Like i care. Then she was like:scold scold scold, nag,nag,nag,throw temper here and there.... May i remind you who started it? I just did what anyone would do: make a stand and fight back. Whats wrong with that? A mural on the wall is already quite mild. I actually wanted to throw paint bombs and use spray paint(those for graffiti) on the wall. But it would be too messy, so i decided on colour pencils. Couldnt even finish my revenge/masterpiece... Owari |
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Saturday, September 1, 2007 @ 6:05 PM
Yay!! Finally the september hols are here!
My results are okay, but i hope i do better next term. Streaming is so stressful.... Yesterday, my insane/loony/psycho older male cousin, Justin, scared my bro with a frinkin ghost story. Dunnoe who i should blame for my bro traumatised state in the car, it was FREAKY!!! He kept on chanting silently, not talking at all. Kind of like he was possessed. It took our whole family to convince him there were NO ghosts. Really. He freaked out when the car door wouldnt open. Actually it was the child-lock function. He also freaked out when the lift closed and opened again, as though there was a ghost in the lift. He got that paranoid. I feel like hamtaming "Uncle" Justin. He always say all this stupid stuff to scare ppl. Dad say he got depression before. Freaky. As long as he doesnt scare my bro into doing sth stupid. CAnt believe my bro is that gullible, he believes what Justin says. Owari |
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