Sunday, January 25, 2009 @ 12:44 PM
Happy Early Chi New Year people!
CO went to perform at Simei Care Centre yesterday, it was so... cold. Yeah I think 5 people in my section already can overpower their clapping sounds. We were more of a background music thing, where they eat and we play. Haizzz. Thats why none of us are nervous lol. Cos they most likely won't be paying attention to us anyway. As for sch, i think Ms Chan is going through menopause, no offence. Maybe we should get her tickets to Menopause : the Musical. Don't think she'll appreciate the gesture. Oh wells. And we have to bei gong han for Chi. I did...quite badly. Apparently my brain doesn't like Chinese words. And AMath Trigo on Thurs. The WORLD IS ENDING. T.T Do we still have to write 'Weekend Bites' for Eng? Just Wondering. Nevermind, let me enjoy my CNY homework free first. Then we have to be thick skinned and ask people to donate. Honestly. They should have given us the card during Christmas. Season of Giving and all. And I have to fight with my bro over donations. Double whammy. This year cannot anyhow spend money, quite obvious why. My bro's quite sad bout it, cos not much snacks this year. So this year celebrations will be quite subdued. I only bought one outfit though, i think for the 2nd day I'll just wear something that I bought but never wore so it looks new lol. I'm invited to Jac's house on Tues! But I can't go cos my parents say NO SHOULD BE SPENDING TIME WITH FAMILY. But I do consider friends as family so how eh? I hope my cousins have stopped growing. Please. Even the females are around 170 something (cos they all play basketball) Because I'm know the shortest one in the family already (among the cousins). So everytime we take family photo it's "SHORT ONES IN FRONT!" *Gets pushed* So this year I shall wear pumps that make me look taller. I practised walking in them already, so there shall be no (or at least not many) tripping and falling incidents. My Ah Gong is senile (like the tuan yuan fan the ah gong). Last year he kept asking us " na le hong bao le ma?" He asked around 7 times. If we said 'no' we would have gotton $140 la. But seeing that we are nice and honest children we said 'yes' and got stuck with $20. Life is going to be tinteresting tomorrow. Heehee XD Happy CNY! |
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Thursday, January 15, 2009 @ 6:50 PM
Life has been real hectic lately.
First up, CCA! Now instead of playing the cello for SYF, I have to play the Bass instead cos there is always one Bass because SOMEONE deserted us. Wanted to quit even though it was SYF year. Honestly, that is just bloody inconsiderateand irresponsible. If you join any CCA, you are a member and you are expected to do your part, not ditch us! Hmph. Screw you. Secondly life in school is also quite a killer. Cos WE ARE SEC 4. Haizzz. No life one. I come back home everyday in the evening half-dead, try to do my homework half-dead, study for tests half-dead and I fall asleep half-dead and wake up half-dead. So the cycle continues. Gah. One more day, hongwen. One more day. Then something really screwy happened. Like really really screwy that it needs a ten-tonne screwdriver [or maybe nerves of steel and a will(those that you make before you die)] to unscrew it. Apparently they couldn't find my letter that told them that i would be missing school for the 1st week of the Bridging Programme, thus I have a chance of being accused of truancy. Stupid teachers for misplacing the letter. 1 day = 3 demerits 5 day = 15 demerits Whoohooo! No need to go sch le cos I shall be expelled. LOLs Hope they find my letter la. If I didn't go to school it should be because i don't want to, not because they kicked me out. That was a big screw-up. There are smaller ones. *nodds* And in 2nd place is.... Not the physics test. We had a surprise test during Chi that was counted and I forgot to hand it in until I realised that I still have it at the end of recess. ARGGHH. Which caused a panic attack that stepped and twisted all of my nerves as i tried to decide how to find and tell him. Most agonising hours of my life I tell you. Can write compo on it already. Thank goodness it was resolved in the end. Long story ( aka short story but too embarrassing to say) I still wish Mr Lee was our physics teacher ='( I have a new com though! It's a real beauty. =) My bro apparently writes better chi compos then I do. Oh the shame XDD |
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Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 12:37 PM
Happy New Year folks! Or at least try to make it one lol. XD
Another year has passed by so fast. But New Year's seem a bit ... compared to the feelings I felt during the CO concert. My bow was actually shaking, my teeth were chattering violently and my hands produced sweat like there was no tomorrow. Honestly. Even during SYF I wasn't this nervous. But there was something in common with SYF. I DROPPED MY BOW. DGJHERIOHE8O More like it slipped out of my hand when I was trying to flip the page. Cos of all the sweat and all. Most nerve-wrecking moment : Having to perform our sectional song. This wins hands down man. The bit at the middle was quite screwed, but looking at it positively, it could have a been a lot worse. Try playing in a quartet for the first time in your life in front of like 600 people (i think) and you know how I feel. The rest of the songs were fine. Other than some unexpected stuff happening it was okay. Overall the concert was, in Jeremie's words, "not bad." Backstage was damn hectic. Especially before the concert cos we MISPLACED the bag containing our makeup and extra strings. Can anyone say "PANIC!" ? So we spent some time searching and all. Which pulled and tugged at my already all-too abused nerves. GAH. Despite all thats happened, it was a good experience. Wouldn't mind doing it again. Only this time, with more cellos please. It was like a roller-coaster, with good times and bad. But when it's over, you want to ride it again. Happy New Year, to all of you! =) |
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